St. Joseph in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Saint Joseph in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God.

Book of Heaven
Volume 1
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Out of pure obedience, I begin to write.
You know, oh! Lord, the sacrifice it costs me, such that I 0 submit myself to a thousand deaths rather than write one single line of the things that have passed between me and You.  Oh! my God, my nature trembles, it feels crushed and almost undone at the mere thought of it.  O please! give me strength, oh! Life of my life, that I may do the holy obedience!  You who have given inspiration to the confessor, give me the grace to be able to execute what is commanded of me.
 Oh! Jesus, oh! Spouse, oh! my strength - to You I rise, to You I come, into your arms I introduce myself, I abandon myself, I rest.  O please! relieve me in my affliction and do not leave me alone and abandoned!  Without your help, I am sure I will not have the strength to do this obedience that costs me so much - I will let myself be defeated by the enemy, and I fear of being crushed by You, justly, because of my disobedience.
O please! look at me, again and again, oh! Holy Spouse, in these arms of yours – see by how much darkness I am surrounded; it is so thick as to allow not even one atom of light to enter into my soul.  Oh! my mystical Sun, Jesus – let this light shine within my mind, that it may dispel the darkness and I may freely remember those graces that You had given to my soul.  Oh! Eternal Sun, unleash another ray of light into my inmost heart, and purify it of the mud in which it lies – ignite it, consume it with your love, so that my heart, which, more than anything, has experienced the sweetnesses of your love, may manifest them clearly to the one to whom it is obliged to do so.  Oh! my Sun Jesus, one more ray of light upon my lips, that I may say the pure truth, with the sole purpose of knowing whether it is really You, or rather, an illusion from the enemy.  But, oh! Jesus, how poor in light I still see myself in these arms of yours.  O please! content me – You who love me so much, continue to send me light.  Oh! my Sun, my beautiful One, I want to enter right into the center, that I may remain completely sunken within this most pure light.  Oh! Divine Sun, let this light precede me in front of me, follow me behind me, surround me everywhere, and penetrate into every intimate hiding place of my interior, that my terrestrial being may be consumed, and You may transform it completely into your Divine Being.
Most Holy Virgin, lovable Mother, come to my aid, obtain for me from your sweet Jesus and mine, grace and strength in order to do this obedience.  Saint Joseph, my dear protector, assist me in this circumstance of mine.  Archangel Saint Michael, defend me from the infernal enemy, who puts so many obstacles in my mind to make me fail this obedience.  Archangel Saint Rafael, and you, my guardian Angel, come to assist me and to accompany me, to direct my hand, that I may write the truth alone.
May everything be for the honor and glory of God – and to me, all the confusion.  Oh! Holy Spouse, come to my help.  In considering the many graces You have given to my soul, I feel all horrified and frightened, all full of confusion and shame at seeing myself still so bad and unrequiting of your graces.  But, my lovable and sweet Jesus, forgive me, do not withdraw from me, but continue to pour your grace into me, that You may make of me a triumph of your mercy.

Volume 1
So, from the beginning, the Divine Master began to strip my heart of all creatures, and through an interior voice, He would tell me:  “I am all that is beautiful and that deserves to be loved.  See, if you do not remove this little world that surrounds you – that is, thoughts of creatures, imagination – I cannot enter freely into your heart.  This murmuring in your mind is a hindrance to letting you hear my voice more clearly, to pouring my graces, to truly enamoring you of Me.  Promise Me that you will be all mine, and I Myself will put my hand in the work.  You are right that you can do nothing.  Do not fear, I will do everything; give Me your will - this is enough for Me.”
This would happen mostly during Communion.  So I would promise Him to be all His own; I would ask His forgiveness, for up to that point, I had not been so; I would say to Him that I truly wanted to love Him, and I prayed Him never to leave me alone again without Him.  And the voice would continue:  “No, no - I will be together with you, observing all of your actions, your movements, your desires.”
So, I would feel Him upon me for the whole day; He reprimanded me in everything.  For example, if I let myself be carried away in conversing a little too much with my family, even of indifferent things which were not necessary, the interior voice would tell me:  “These discourses fill your mind with things that do not belong to Me; they surround your heart with dust, such as to make you feel my grace as weak, no longer alive.  O please! imitate Me when I was in the house of Nazareth – my mind was occupied with nothing but the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls; my mouth uttered nothing but holy discourses.  With my words I tried to repair for the offenses against the Father, to dart through hearts and draw them to my love – and primarily my Mother and St. Joseph.  In a word, everything called upon God, everything was done for God, and everything referred to Him.  Why could you not do the same?”

Volume 2 - April 21, 1899
This morning, while I was in my usual state, in one instant I found myself within myself, but without being able to move.  I realized that someone was entering my little room; then he closed the door again, and I felt he was drawing near my bed.  In my mind I thought that someone had entered furtively, without anyone of my family seeing him, and had penetrated even into my little room.  ‘Who knows what he will to do me?’  My fear was so great that I felt my blood freeze in my veins, and I trembled all over.  Oh! God, what to do?  I said to myself:  ‘My family did not see him; I feel all numb and I cannot defend myself, nor can I ask for help.  Jesus, Mary, my Mama – help me!  Saint Joseph, defend me from this danger!

Volume 4 - December 25, 1900
…Who can tell the beauty of the Little Baby who, at the moment of His birth, transfused, also externally, the rays of the Divinity?  Who can tell the beauty of the Mother, who remained all absorbed in those Divine rays?  And Saint Joseph?  It seemed to me that he was not present at the act of the birth, but remained in another corner of the cave, all engrossed in that profound Mystery.  And if he did not see with the eyes of the body, he saw very well with the eyes of the soul, because he remained enraptured in sublime ecstasy. 

Volume 4 - December 26, 1900
As I continued to see the Holy Baby, I saw the Queen Mother on one side and Saint Joseph on the other, adoring the Divine Infant profoundly.  Being all intent on Him, it seemed to me that the continuous presence of the Little Baby kept them engrossed in continuous ecstasy; and if they could work, it was a prodigy that the Lord operated in them; otherwise they would have remained motionless, unable to attend to their external duties.  I too did my adoration, and then I found myself inside myself.

Volume 5 -  March 19, 1903
This morning I saw the confessor all humiliated, and also blessed Jesus and Saint Joseph, who said to him:  “Get down to work, for the Lord is ready to give you the grace you want.” After this, on seeing my dear Jesus suffering as in the course of His Passion, I said to Him:  ‘Lord, did You not feel tiredness in suffering so many different pains?’  And He:  “No, on the contrary, one suffering would ignite the heart more to suffer another one.  These are the ways of Divine Suffering; not only this, but in suffering and operating, It looks at nothing but the fruit It receives from it.  In my wounds and in my blood I saw nations saved and the good that creatures would receive; and my Heart, instead of feeling tiredness, felt joy and ardent desire to suffer more.  So, this is the sign that what one suffers is participation in my pains:  that there is suffering united with joy to suffer more; that in operating, one operates for Me; that one does not look at what he does, but at the glory he gives to God, and at the fruit he receives.”

Volume 5 - March 20, 1903
As I was outside of myself, I saw father all in difficulty with regard to the grace he wants; and once again, blessed Jesus with Saint Joseph were saying to him:  “If you get down to work, all your difficulties will disappear, and will fall off like fish scales.”

Volume 7 - May 9, 1907
It has been a few months since I wrote, and with great repugnance, and only to obey I begin to write again. Oh, what a weight I feel! Only at the thought that I could say to my beloved Jesus: ‘See how I love You more, and how my love grows, since for love of You alone I submit myself to this sacrifice, and for as long as it lasts, I can also say that I love You more’ – thinking that I can say to my Jesus that I love Him more, I feel the strength to make the sacrifice to obey.   Now, since I do not remember everything distinctly, I will tell of the past, all together and confusedly, starting from where I left when I was praying that He would take my mother to Paradise without her touching Purgatory. Then, on March 19, the day dedicated to Saint Joseph, in the morning, while I was in my usual state, my mother passed from this life into the sphere of eternity; and blessed Jesus, allowing me to see her as He was taking her, told me: "My daughter, the Creator takes his creature."

Volume 11 - August 14, 1912
Finding myself in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus told me:  “My daughter, in order for the soul to forget herself, she should do each thing which is necessary for her as if Jesus wanted to do it within her.  If she prays, she should say:  ‘It is Jesus who wants to pray, and I pray together with Him.’  If she has to work:  ‘Jesus wants to work; Jesus wants to walk; Jesus wants to take food.  He wants to sleep, He wants to get up, He wants to enjoy Himself...’ and so on for all other things of life - except for error.  Only in this way can the soul forget herself; not only will she do everything because I want it, but because I want to do them:  they are necessary to Me.”
Now, one day I was working and I thought to myself:  ‘How is it possible that Jesus works in me while I work?  Does He really want to do this work?’  And Jesus:  “Yes I do.  My fingers are in yours and they work.  My daughter, when I was on earth, didn’t my hands lower themselves to work the wood, hammer the nails, and help my foster Father Joseph in the smithing work?  While I was doing that, with those very hands and with those fingers, I created souls and called other souls to the other life; I divinized all human actions; I sanctified them, giving a Divine merit to each one of them.  In the movements of my fingers I called in sequence all the movements of your fingers and those of others; and if I saw that they were doing them for Me, or because I wanted to act within them, I continued my life of Nazareth in them, and I felt cheered by them for the sacrifices and the humiliations of my hidden Life, giving them the merit of my own Life.
Daughter, the hidden Life that I conducted in Nazareth is not taken into account by men, when in fact, after the Passion, nothing could benefit them more.  By lowering Myself to all those little actions and those acts which men exercise during their daily life, such as eating, sleeping, drinking, working, starting the fire, sweeping, etc. - all acts which no one can do without - I made flow inside their souls a tiny divine coin of incalculable price.  Therefore, if my Passion redeemed them, my hidden Life provided each human action, even the most insignificant one, with Divine merit and with infinite value.
Do you see?  As you work - working because I want to work - my fingers flow within yours, and as I work in you with my creative hands, in this very instant, how many am I giving to the light of this world?  How many others am I calling?  How many others do I sanctify, correct, chastise, etc.?  Now, you are with Me creating, calling, correcting and so forth; therefore, just as you are not alone, neither am I alone in my work.  Could I ever give you greater honor?”
Who can say all that I understood, and all the good that can be done for ourselves and for others, by doing things because Jesus wants to do them in us?  My mind gets lost, therefore I stop here.

Volume 12 - December 25, 1918
‘My Love, there are certain times in which my life becomes bitter, especially because of the conditions in which You put me.’  And Jesus, knowing what I wanted to say to Him, added:  “What do you fear?  I will take care of everything; and when one directs you I give my grace to him; when another does, I give grace to the other.  And then, it is not you whom they will assist, but Me; and I will be generous with them according to how they will appreciate my work, my sayings and my teachings.”  And I:  ‘My Jesus, the Confessor appreciated very much what You said to me.  He cared very much about it, and he worked very hard to make me write.  What will You give to him?’  And Jesus:  “I will give him Heaven as recompense, and I will consider his office as that of Saint Joseph and of my Mama, who, having assisted my Life on earth, had to go through hardships in order to nourish Me and assist Me.  Now, since my Life is in you, I consider his assistance and sacrifices as though my Mama and Saint Joseph were doing them again for Me.  Aren’t you happy?”  And I:  ‘Thank You, O Jesus.”

Volume 12 - December 25, 1920
However, know that my Sacramental lot is even harder than my lot as an Infant.  Though cold, the grotto was spacious, and had air to breathe; the Host too is cold, but so small that I almost lack air.  In the grotto I had a manger with a little hay for bed; in my Sacramental Life, I don’t even have hay, and I have nothing but hard and ice cold metals for bed.  In the grotto I had my dear Mama who took Me very often with her most pure hands, covered Me with ardent kisses in order to warm Me, soothed my crying, and nourished Me with her most sweet milk.  In my Sacramental Life it is all the opposite:  I do not have a Mama; if they take Me, I feel the touch of unworthy hands which smell like earth and muck.  Oh! how I feel their stench - more than the manure I smelled in the grotto.  Instead of covering Me with kisses, they touch Me with irreverent acts; instead of milk, they give Me the bile of sacrileges, of indifference, and of coldness.  In the grotto, Saint Joseph never left Me without the light of a little lantern at night.  Here in the Sacrament, how many times I remain in the dark also at night!  Oh, how much more painful is my Sacramental lot!  How many hidden tears, not seen by anyone.  How many wails not listened to.  If my lot as an Infant moved you to pity, much more should my Sacramental lot move you to pity.”

Volume 12 - January 24, 1921
“My daughter, calm yourself - I choose whomever I please.  However, know that I begin all of my works between Myself and one creature; and then they are spread.  In fact, who was the first spectator of the FIAT of my Creation?  Adam, and then Eve.  It surely wasn’t a multitude of people.  Only after years and years did crowds and multitudes of people become spectators of It.  In the second FIAT my Mama was the only spectator; not even Saint Joseph knew anything, and my Mama found herself more than in your condition:  the greatness of the Creative Power of my work which She felt within Herself was such that, confused, She did not feel the strength to mention it to anyone.  And if, then, Saint Joseph knew it, it was because I manifested it to him.  So, this FIAT germinated like a seed within Her virginal womb; the ear of grain was formed in order to multiply It, and then It came to the light of day.  But who were the spectators?  Very few.  In the room of Nazareth my dear Mama and Saint Joseph were the only spectators.  Then, when my Most Holy Humanity grew up, I went out and I made Myself known - but not to all.  Afterwards, It spread more, and It will still spread. 
So will the third FIAT be.  It will germinate within you; the ear of grain will be formed; only the priest will have knowledge of It.  Then, a few souls - and then, It will spread.  It will spread, and will follow the same path as Creation and Redemption.  The more crushed you feel, the more the ear of the third FIAT grows and is fecundated in you.  Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”

Volume 17 - December 24, 1924
… I was thinking about the act in which the sweet little Baby came out of the maternal womb to be born into our midst.  My poor mind wandered within a mystery so profound and all love; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, stretched out His little hands to embrace me, and said to me:  “My daughter, the act of my birth was the most solemn act of the whole Creation.  Heaven and earth felt plunged into the most profound adoration at the sight of my little Humanity, which kept my Divinity as though enclosed within walls.  So, in the act of my birth, there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer:  my Mama prayed, and remained enraptured by the power of the prodigy which was coming out of Her; Saint Joseph prayed; the Angels prayed; and all Creation felt the strength of the love of my creative power being renewed upon them.  All felt honored and received true honor, because the One who had created them would make use of them for what was needed for His Humanity.  The sun felt honored, in having to give its light and heat to its Creator; it recognized the One who had created it – its true Lord, and made feast for Him and paid Him honor by giving Him its light.  The earth felt honored, when it felt Me lying in a manger; it felt touched by my tender limbs, and exulted with joy with prodigious signs.  All Creation saw their true King and Lord in their midst; and feeling honored, each one wanted to perform its office for Me:  the water wanted to quench my thirst; the birds, with their trills and warblings, wanted to cheer Me; the wind wanted to caress Me; the air wanted to kiss Me – all wanted to pay Me their innocent tribute.  Only men, ungrateful, even though all felt something unusual within themselves - a joy, a powerful strength – were reluctant; and suffocating everything, they did not move.  And even though I called them with tears, with moans and sobs, they did not move, except for some few shepherds.  Yet, it was for man that I was coming upon earth!  I was coming to give Myself to him, to save him, and to bring him back to my Celestial Fatherland.  Therefore, I was all eyes to see whether he would come before Me in order to receive the great gift of my divine and human Life.  So, the Incarnation was nothing less than placing Myself at the mercy of the creature.  In the Incarnation I placed Myself at the mercy of my dear Mama; as I was born, Saint Joseph too was added, to whom I gave the gift of my Life.  And since my works are eternal and not subject to ending, this Divinity, this Word who descended from Heaven, never withdrew from the earth, so as to have the occasion to give Himself continuously to all creatures.  As long as I lived, I gave Myself in an unveiled manner; then, a few hours before dying, I made the great prodigy of leaving Myself in the Sacrament, so that, whoever wanted Me, could receive the great gift of my Life.  I paid no attention either to the offenses they would give Me, or to their refusals to receive Me.  I said to Myself:  ‘I have given Myself - I do not want to withdraw, ever.  Let them do to Me whatever they want – I will always be theirs, and at their disposal’.

Volume 19 - June 15, 1926
…The same will be for my Will:  knowledge will give life to the fruits of my Will.  This is why I wanted to renew what I did in Redemption, choosing another virgin, remaining hidden with her for forty years and more, segregating her from everyone as if in a new Nazareth, to be free with her to tell the whole story, the prodigies and the goods contained in It, so as to be able to form the life of my Will in you.  And just as I chose Saint Joseph to be together with Me and my Mama, as our cooperator, tutor and vigilant sentry for Me and for the Sovereign Queen, in the same way, I have placed near you the vigilant assistance of my ministers, as cooperators, tutors and depositories of the knowledges, goods and prodigies contained in my Will.  And since my Will wants to establish Its Kingdom in the midst of peoples, through you I want to deposit this celestial doctrine in my ministers as my new apostles, so that first I may form with them the link of connection with my Will, and then they may transmit it into the midst of peoples.  If it were not so, or were not to be so, I would not have insisted so much on having you write, nor would I have permitted the daily coming of the priest, but I would have left all my work between Me and you.  Therefore, be attentive and leave Me free to do what I want in you.”
Now, who can say how confused I remained at this speaking of Jesus?  I remained mute, and from the depth of my heart I repeated:  ‘Fiat, Fiat, Fiat…’

Volume 20 - December 25, 1926
… I was thinking of how unhappy was that grotto in which little baby Jesus was born; how exposed it was to all winds and to cold, so much as to make one numb with cold.  Instead of men, there were animals which kept Him company.  So I thought:  ‘Which prison was more unhappy and sorrowful – the prison of the night of His Passion, or the grotto of Bethlehem?’  And my sweet baby added:  “My daughter, the unhappiness of the prison of my Passion cannot be compared to the grotto of Bethlehem.  In the grotto I had my Mama near Me, in body and soul.  She was with Me, therefore I had all the joys of my dear Mama, and She had all the joys of Myself, Her Son, which formed our Paradise.  The joys of a Mother who possesses her child are great; the joys of possessing a Mother are even greater.  I found everything in Her, and She found everything in Me.  Then there was my dear father Saint Joseph who acted as a father to Me, and I felt all the joys which he felt because of Me.  In my Passion, instead, all of our joys were interrupted, because we were to give place to sorrow, and between Mother and Son, we felt the great pain of the nearing separation, sensible at least, which was to occur with my death.  In the grotto the animals recognized Me, and honoring Me, they tried to warm Me with their breath.  In the prison, not even men recognized Me, and in order to insult Me, they covered Me with spit and opprobrium.  So, there is no comparison between the two.”

Volume 30 - January 1, 1927
See, when I came upon earth, I wanted to give many examples and similes about how I wanted the human will to end.  I wanted to be born at midnight, so as to break the night of the human will with the refulgent day of Mine.  And even though at midnight the night continues and does not finish, it is yet the beginning of a new day; and my Angels, to honor my birth and to point out to everyone the day of my Will, from midnight on, enlivened the vault of the heavens with new stars and new suns, such as to turn the night into more than daylight.  This was the homage that the Angels gave to my little Humanity, in which dwelled the full day of the sun of my Divine Will, and the call of the creature into the full day of It.  Still little, I submitted Myself to the cruel cut of circumcision, which made Me shed bitter tears for the pain – and not only to Me, but with Me cried my Mama and dear St. Joseph.  It was the cut of the human will that I wanted to make, so that all might let the Divine Will flow within that cut, and so that a broken will might have life no more - but only Mine, which had flowed within that cut in order to begin Its life again. 
Still little, I wanted to flee to Egypt.  A tyrannical and iniquitous will wanted to kill Me – symbol of the human will which wants to kill Mine; so I fled, in order to say to all:  ‘Flee the human will, if you do not want Mine to be killed.’  My whole life was nothing other than the call of the Divine Will into the human.  In Egypt I lived like a stranger in the midst of that people – symbol of my Will, which they keep as though estranged within their midst; and symbolizing that whoever wants to live in peace and united with my Will, must live as though estranged to the human will.  Otherwise, there will always be war between the two of them, because they are two irreconcilable wills. 
After my exile, I returned to my fatherland – symbol of my Will which, after Its long exile of centuries upon centuries, will return to Its dear fatherland, to reign in the midst of Its children.  And as I went through these stages in my life, I kept forming Its Kingdom in Me, and I called It with incessant prayers, with pains and with tears, to come and reign in the midst of creatures.  I returned to my fatherland and I lived hidden and unknown.  Oh, how this symbolizes the sorrow of my Will which, while living in the midst of the peoples, lives unknown and hidden!  And with my hiddenness, I impetrated that the Supreme Will might be known, in order to receive the homage and the glory which are due to It. 
Volume 20 - January 6, 1927
…I was thinking about the Holy Magi, when they visited the little baby Jesus in the grotto of Bethlehem; and my always lovable Jesus told me:  “My daughter, see the order of my Divine Providence:  for the great portent of my Incarnation, I chose and used a Virgin, humble and poor; and the Virgin Saint Joseph as my custodian, who acted as a father to Me, and who was so poor that he needed to work in order to sustain our lives.  See how in the greatest works – and the mystery of the Incarnation could not be greater – We use people whose outward appearance attracts no attention from anyone, because dignities, scepters, riches, are always fumes which blind the soul, and prevent her from penetrating into the celestial mysteries in order to receive a great act of God - and God Himself.  But in order to manifest to the peoples the coming of Myself, Word of the Father, upon earth, I wanted and used royal authorities, learned and erudite men, so that, by their authority, they might diffuse the knowledges of the incarnate God and, eventually, also impose themselves to the peoples.  In spite of this, the star was seen by everyone, yet only three of them move, pay attention and follow it.  This says that, among all, these alone possessed a certain dominion over themselves, which formed a little empty space in their interior.  So, beyond the appearance of the star, they felt my call which echoed within their interior; and heedless of sacrifices, of gossip, of mockeries – because their were leaving for an unknown place and they had to hear much of it – disregarding everything and dominating themselves, they followed the star united to my call, which resounded in their interior as more than a speaking star.  It enlightened them, it attracted them, and said many things about the One whom they were to visit; and, drunk with joy, they followed the star. 

Volume 21 - April 16, 1927
I was thinking about the pain of my Mama, when, sorrowful and pierced in Her Heart, She departed from Jesus, leaving Him dead in the sepulcher; and I thought to myself:  ‘How could She possibly have so much strength, as to be able to leave Him.  It is true that He was dead, but it was always the body of Jesus.  How could Her maternal love not consume Her, rather than letting Her take one step alone away from that extinguished body?  What heroism - what strength!’
But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, do you want to know how my Mama had the strength to leave Me?  All the secret of Her strength was in my Will reigning in Her.  She lived of a Will which was Divine - not human, and therefore She contained an immeasurable strength.  Even more, you must know that when my pierced Mama left Me in the sepulcher, my Will kept Her immersed within two immense seas – one of sorrow, and another, more extensive, of joys and beatitudes; and while that of sorrow gave Her all the martyrdoms, that of joys gave Her all the contentments.  Her beautiful soul alone followed Me into Limbo, and was present at the feast that all the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Her father, Her mother and our dear Saint Joseph made for Me.  Through my presence, Limbo became Paradise; and I could not do without letting the One who had been inseparable from Me in my pains, participate in this first feast of the creatures.  Her joy was so great, that She had the strength to depart from my body, withdrawing and waiting for the fulfillment of my Resurrection, as the fulfillment of Redemption.  Joy sustained Her in sorrow, and sorrow sustained Her in joy.
To one who possesses my Will, neither strength, nor power, nor joy may be lacking; rather, she has everything at her disposal.  Do you not experience this within yourself?  When you are deprived of Me and you feel consumed, the light of the Divine Fiat forms Its sea of happiness and gives you life.”

Volume 21 - April 30, 1927
Oh, if the creatures could see what happens in the secret of our hearts, how surprised with amazement they would be!  This happened when I and my Mama were on earth, as we were preparing, between the two of us, the Kingdom of Redemption – all the remedies which were needed so that everyone might find salvation.  We did not spare sacrifices, nor work, nor life, nor prayers; and while we were all intent on thinking about everyone - on giving our life for all, no one would think about us; no one knew what we were doing.  My Celestial Mama was the depository of the Kingdom of Redemption, and therefore She took part in all of the sacrifices, and in all of the sorrows.  Only Saint Joseph knew what we were doing, but he did not take part in all of our sorrows.

Volume 23 - March 11, 1928
I was following my Divine Fiat, doing my round in It; and as I arrived at the home of Nazareth in which my lovable Jesus had conducted His hidden life, in order to follow His acts, I was saying to Him:  ‘My Love, there is no act You do in which my ‘I love you’ does not follow You, to ask You, by means of your acts, for the Kingdom of your Will.  My ‘I love you’ follows You everywhere – in the steps You take, in the words You speak, in the wood You hammer; and while You hammer the wood, You hammer the human will, that it may be undone, and your Divine Will may rise again in the midst of creatures.  My ‘I love you’ flows in the water You drink, in the food You take, in the air You breath, in the rivers of love that pass between You and your Mama and Saint Joseph, in the prayers You do, in your ardent heartbeat, in the sleep You take.  Oh! how I wish to be near You, to whisper to your ear:  “I love You, I love You…. O Please! let your Kingdom come”.’

Volume 24 - July 7, 1928
…while accompanying my sweet Jesus in the little room of Nazareth in order to follow His acts, I thought to myself:  ‘Certainly my beloved Jesus had the Kingdom of His Will during His hidden life.  The Sovereign Lady possessed His Fiat, He was the Divine Will Itself, and Saint Joseph, in the middle of these seas of endless light – how could he not let himself be dominated by this Most Holy Will?’  But while I was thinking of this, my Highest Good, Jesus, sighing with sorrow told me in my interior:  “My daughter, indeed my Divine Will reigned in this house of Nazareth on earth as It does in Heaven.  My Celestial Mama and I knew no other will, and Saint Joseph lived in the reflections of Our Will.  But I was like a king without a people, isolated, without cortege, without army, and my Mama was like a queen without children, because She was not surrounded by other children worthy of Her to whom She could entrust Her crown of queen, so as to have the offspring of Her noble children all kings and queens.  And I had the sorrow of being a king without a people; and if those who surrounded Me could be called a people, it was a sick people – some were blind, some mute, some deaf, some crippled, some covered with wounds.  It was a people that gave Me dishonor - not honor; even more, it did not even know Me, nor did it want to know Me.  So, I was king only for Myself, and my Mama was queen without the long generation of Her offspring of royal children.
But in order to be able to say that I had my Kingdom, and to rule, I had to have ministers; and even though I had Saint Joseph as prime minister, one minister only does not constitute a ministry.  I had to have a great army, all intent on fighting to defend the rights of the Kingdom of my Divine Will; and a faithful people that would have, as law, only the law of my Will.  This was not so, my daughter; therefore I cannot say that, on coming upon earth, I had the Kingdom of my Fiat at that time.  Our Kingdom was for Us only, because the order of Creation and the royalty of man were not restored.  However, by the Celestial Mother and I living wholly of Divine Will, the seed was sown, the yeast was formed, to make Our Kingdom arise and grow upon earth.  Therefore, all the preparations were made, all the graces were impetrated, all the pains were suffered, so that the Kingdom of my Fiat might come to reign upon earth.  This is why Nazareth can be called the point of recall of the Kingdom of Our Will.”

Volume 27 - October 21, 1929
“My daughter, my Divine Will reigns.  It can be paralleled to Me, Eternal Word, who, in descending from Heaven, enclosed Myself in the womb of my Celestial Mother.  Who knew anything?  No one, not even Saint Joseph knew, at the beginning of my conception, that I was already in their midst.  Only my inseparable Mama was aware of everything.  So, the great portent of my descent from Heaven upon earth had occurred, and in reality; and while with my immensity I existed everywhere - Heaven and earth were immersed in Me, with my person I was enclosed in the maternal womb of the Immaculate Queen – no one knew Me, I was ignored by all.
And so, my daughter, here is the first step of the parallel between Me, Divine Word, when I descended from Heaven, and my Divine Will that takes Its first step to come to reign upon earth.  Just as I directed my first steps toward the Virgin Mother, so did my Will direct Its first steps in you; and as It asked for your will and you surrendered it, It immediately formed Its first act of conception in your soul; and as It manifested Its knowledges, giving you as though many divine sips, It formed Its Life and gave start to the formation of Its Kingdom.  But, for a long time, who knew anything?  No one; only you and I were aware of everything; and after some time my representative, the one who directed you, became aware of what was happening in you – symbol of my representative, Saint Joseph, who was to appear as my father before creatures, and who, before I came out of the maternal womb, had the great honor and gift of knowing that I was already in their midst.
After the first steps I took the second:  I went to Bethlehem to be born, and I was recognized and visited by the shepherds of that place.  But they were not influential people, they kept for themselves the beautiful news that I had already come upon earth, therefore they did not occupy themselves with making Me known, with spreading Me everywhere, and I continued to remain the Jesus hidden and unknown to all.  But, though unknown, I was already in their midst – symbol of my Divine Will:  very often other representatives of mine have come to you, from afar and from nearby, who have listened to the beautiful news of the Kingdom of my Divine Will, the knowledges about It, and how It wants to be recognized.  But, some for lack of influence, some of will, they did not occupy themselves with spreading It, and It remained unknown and ignored, even though It already exists in their midst; but because It is not known, It does not reign – It reigns only in you, just as I was only with my Celestial Mama and with my foster father Saint Joseph.
The third step of my coming upon earth is the exile, and I had this because the Holy Magi came to visit Me, who aroused some interest in searching for Me.  This search of Me made Herod fearful, and instead of joining with them to come to visit Me, he wanted to plot against my life in order to kill Me, and by necessity I was forced to go into exile.  Symbol of my Divine Will:  very often it seems that they arouse some interest, that they want to make It known by publishing It.  But – nothing!  Some are taken by fear, some are afraid to compromise themselves, some do not feel like sacrificing themselves; now with one pretext, now with another, everything ends up in words, and my Divine Will remains exiled from the midst of creatures.  And just as I did not depart for Heaven, but in the exile I remained in the midst of creatures, only with my Divine Mother and with Saint Joseph who knew Me very well and I formed their paradise on earth, while for the others it was as if I did not exist; in the same way, having formed Its Life in you with all the cortege of Its knowledges, if It does not receive the effects, the purpose for which It has made Itself known, how can my Fiat depart?  In fact, when We decide to do a work, a good, no one can move Us.  Therefore, in spite of the exile and of Its hiddenness, just as I did – doing my public life and making Myself known after thirty years of hidden life – so will my Divine Volition not be able to remain always hidden, but will obtain Its intent of making Itself known in order to reign in the midst of creatures.  Therefore, be attentive, and know how to appreciate the great gift of my Divine Will in your soul.”

Volume 27 - January 30, 1930
I was thinking about how the Kingdom of the Divine Will could come upon earth, and in what way It may unfold.  Who will be the first fortunate ones to have such a great good?  And my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen, clasped me all to Himself, and giving me three kisses, told me:  “My daughter, in the same way as the Kingdom of Redemption unfolded, so will the Kingdom of my Will unfold.  It can be said that Redemption is making Its round throughout the whole world, a round which It has not yet entirely completed, because not all the peoples know about my coming upon earth, and therefore they are without its goods.  Redemption keeps preparing and disposing the peoples for the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  So, just as my Redemption had Its beginning, not in the whole world, but in the center of Judea, because in this nation there was the little core of those who were awaiting Me, there was She whom I had chosen as Mother, and Saint Joseph, who was to be my foster father - in this nation I had manifested Myself to the prophets by letting them know that I was going to come upon earth; it was right that, there where this was known, they be the first ones to have Me in their midst; and even though they were ungrateful, and many did not want to know Me, yet, who can deny that my Celestial Mama, the Apostles, the disciples, were from the Jewish nation, and that they were the first criers who exposed their lives to make known to the other nations my coming upon earth and the goods which are in my Redemption? – so it will be for the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat:  the towns, the provinces, the kingdom, which will have been the first to know the knowledges about my Divine Will and Its expressed Will of wanting to come to reign in the midst of creatures, will be the first to receive the goods that Its Kingdom will bring.  And then, making Its way with Its knowledges, It will do Its round in the midst of the human generations.  My daughter, there is much analogy between the way in which Redemption unfolded and the way in which the Kingdom of my Divine Will will unfold.  See, in my Redemption I chose a Virgin; in appearance She had no importance according to the world, either of riches, or of height of dignity or positions which would indicate Her; the very city of Nazareth was not important – a tiny little house was Her whole abode.  But even though I chose Her from Nazareth, I wanted for it to belong to the capital city, Jerusalem, in which there was the body of the pontiffs and priests who then represented Me and announced my laws.  For the Kingdom of my Divine Will I have chosen another virgin who, in appearance, has no importance, either of great riches or of height of dignity; the very city of Corato is not an important city, but it belongs to Rome, in which resides my representative on earth, the Roman Pontiff, from whom come my divine laws; and just as he makes it his duty to make my Redemption known to the peoples, so will he make it his duty to make known the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  It can be said that one and the other will proceed in the same way and manner, as the Kingdom of my Supreme Fiat must unfold.”

Volume 28 - June 2, 1930
…my daughter, I know where my aims tend to, what they must serve for, what I do, great and beautiful, when I choose a creature.  What do they know?  And this is why they have always something to say about my operating.  And not even my short life down here was spared, when my Most Holy Humanity was in their midst and I was all love for them; and yet, if I drew too close to sinners, they had to say that it was not decorous for Me to deal with them.  And I let them talk, and without giving importance to their talking, I did the facts, I drew closer to sinners, I loved them more in order to attract them to love Me.  If I did miracles, they had something to say, because they believed I was the son of Saint Joseph; they had to say that the promised Messiah could not come from a carpenter, and they kept arousing doubts about my Divine Person, so much so, as to form clouds around the Sun of my Humanity.  And I aroused the little breezes to get rid of the clouds, and I reappeared more blazing with light in their midst, in order to accomplish the purpose of my coming upon earth, which was Redemption.
Therefore, do not be surprised that they have found something to say on the way I have conducted Myself with you; and even though they have formed clouds around the operating I have had with you, I will arouse my little breezes to get rid of these clouds.  And if they love the truth, they will know that the way I have conducted Myself with you, even though I have not used it with other souls, was necessary to Our Love, because it was to serve Our very Will, in order to make It known and to make It reign.”

Volume 29 - May 31, 1931
…I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, and my poor mind paused in the little house of Nazareth, where the Queen of Heaven, the Celestial King Jesus, and Saint Joseph, were in possession of and lived in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  So, this Kingdom is not foreign to the earth; the house of Nazareth, the little family that lived in It, belonged to this Kingdom and kept It in full force.  But while I was thinking about this, my great King Jesus told me:  “My daughter, indeed the Kingdom of my Divine Will has existed upon earth, and therefore there is the sure hope that It will return again to Its full force.  Our house of Nazareth was Its true Kingdom; however, We were without peoples.  Now, you must know that each creature is a Kingdom; therefore, one who lets the Divine Will reign within herself can be called a little Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.  So, she is a tiny little house of Nazareth that We have upon earth; and, though little, since Our Will is in her, reigning, Heaven is not closed for her; she observes the same laws of the Celestial Fatherland, she loves with the same love, feeds herself with the foods from up there, and is incorporated into the Kingdom of Our interminable regions.  Now, in order to form the great Kingdom of Our Will upon earth, first We will make the many tiny little houses of Nazareth – that is, the souls who will want to know It in order to let It reign within themselves.  I Myself, and the Sovereign Queen, will be at the head of these tiny little houses, because, We having been the first to possess this Kingdom on earth, it is Our right, which We will not surrender to anyone, to be the directors of them.  Then, with these tiny little houses, repeaters of Our house of Nazareth, We will form many little states of Ours, many provinces, which, after they have been formed well, and ordered like many little Kingdoms of Our Will, will fuse together and will form one single Kingdom and one great people.  Therefore, in order to have Our greatest works, Our way of acting is to begin, first alone, one on one with one single creature; when We have formed this one, We make her a channel in order to enclose in Our work two or three more creatures; then We expand, forming a small group, and then We expand it so much as to take the whole entire world.  Our works begin in the isolation of God and the soul, and end by continuing their life in the midst of entire peoples.  And when there is the beginning of a work of Ours, it is the sure sign that it will not die at birth; at the most, it may live hidden for some time, but then it will go out and will have its perennial life.  Therefore, always forward do I want you in my Divine Will.”
Volume 30 - March 20, 1932
…In fact if I might not have manifested to you that I can give and want to give my Divine Will dominating and reigning in the midst of creatures, you would have been indifferent like all the others for a good so great.  So that your interest, your prayers have been effects and parts of that which you have known.  And I myself when I came upon the earth, [in] the thirty years of my hidden life it can be said that I apparently didn’t do good to anyone, nor did even one know me.  I remained in the midst of them unobserved, the whole good was developed between me and the Celestial Father, my Celestial Mother and dear St. Joseph, because they knew who I was; all the others [knew] nothing.  Instead when I went out from my hideaway and openly made myself known saying that I was really the promised Messiah, their Redeemer and Savior, and although with having made myself known I attracted on me calumnies, persecutions, contradictions, anger, hatred of the Hebrews and the Passion and death itself.  All these evils that as copious rain rained on me had the beginning in making myself known, I affirmed that which I really was, the Word Eternal descended from heaven in order to save them.  So very true that even when I (was) in the house of Nazareth, not knowing who I was, no one said anything of me, nor did they slander me nor did they hurt me.  As I revealed myself all the evils fell on me.  But this was necessary to make myself known, otherwise I would have left again for heaven without completing the purpose for which I came upon the earth.  Instead with making myself known, in spite that I attracted so many evils, in the midst of this abyss of evils I formed my Apostles, announced the Gospel, worked prodigies, and my knowledge instigated my enemies to make me suffer so many sufferings, even to give me death on the cross.  But I obtained my intent, that so many would know me in the midst of so many that didn’t want to know me, and to complete my Redemption.  I knew that, with making myself known, the perfidy and pride of the Hebrews would have done so much.  But it was necessary to make myself known, because a person, a good if it isn’t known it is not bearer of life nor of good.  The good, the truths not known remain impeded in itself without fecundity, as so many sterile mothers that finish with their generation.


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.


Volume 17- May 17, 1925

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “My daughter, to what you have said on fusing yourself in My Will, another appeal must be added—that of fusing yourself in the order of grace, in everything that the Sanctifier—the Holy Spirit—has done and will do for those who are to be sanctified. More so since, while We, the Three Divine Persons, are always united in operating, if the Creation points to the Father, and Redemption to the Son, the Fiat Voluntas Tua will point to the Holy Spirit. And it is precisely in the Fiat Voluntas Tua that the Divine Spirit will make display of His work. You do it when, on coming before the Supreme Majesty, you say: ‘I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace’. And as much as you can, you search within Our Will for the acts of grace of the Spirit Sanctifier, so as to make His sorrow your own, as well as His secret moans, His anguishing sighs in the depth of the hearts, in seeing Himself so unwelcome. And since the first act He does is to bring Our Will as the complete act of their sanctification, in seeing Himself rejected, He moans with inexpressible moans. And you, in your childlike simplicity, say to Him: ‘Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is your Holy Will.’ My daughter, We, the Three Divine Persons, are inseparable and distinct, and in this way do We want to manifest to the human generations Our works for them—that while being united among Ourselves, each One of Us wants to manifest individually His love and His work toward the creatures.”

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Round of the soul in the Divine Will, Twenty-fourth Hour

(Luisa:) My Jesus, after rising from the dead, You do not depart for Heaven. This tells me that You want to establish the Kingdom of Your Divine Will among creatures, and I won’t abandon You for a single instant. I follow You step by step with my “I love You” as You appear in the risen state to Your Mother. Through the joy You shared, I ask You ever more insistently for the Kingdom of Your Fiat… My “I love You” accompanies You as You appear to Mary Magdalene and to the Apostles. It asks that Your Divine Will be known in a special way to priests, so they in turn, as new Apostles, may make It known to all the world. My “I love You” follows You in all the acts You accomplish among Your friends after the Resurrection. Lastly, it invites Heaven and earth to be present at Your glorious Ascension.

While You with Your triumphant entry into Paradise open the Gates that have been closed for so many centuries to poor humanity, I place my “I love You” on those Eternal Gates. I ask You, through that same blessing You gave to all Your disciples who were present at the celebration of Your Ascension, to bless all human wills, so they may know and appreciate the gift of life lived in Your Will.

Through the great love with which You open for us the Gates of Heaven, I ask You, O my glorious Jesus, to let Your Divine Will descend from those Gates. May It reign upon earth as It reigns in Heaven.

My, Love, You are now seated at the right hand of the Father: Entrenched in my poor little nothingness, “I adore You, praise You, thank You” and I continually form with my “I love You” long chains reaching from earth to Heaven.

Please leave open always the Gates of the Heavenly Home, so I may constantly come and kneel at Your feet, climb into Your arms, and repeat to You incessantly my song of love: “Send us the Kingdom of Your Holy Will and may Your Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven!” Amen.

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 30

(Our Lady to Luisa:) Now listen to Me, My child. Our Highest Good, Jesus, has departed for Heaven and is now before His Celestial Father, pleading for His children and brothers, whom He has left upon earth. From the Celestial Fatherland, He looks at everyone; no one escapes Him. And His love is so great that He leaves His Mama on earth as comfort, help, lesson and company for His children and Mine.

Now, you must know that as My Son departed for Heaven, I remained together with the Apostles in the cenacle, waiting for the Holy Spirit. They were all around Me, clinging to Me, and we prayed together; they did nothing without My advice. And when I began to speak to instruct them and to narrate some anecdotes about My Son that they didn’t know—as for example, the details of His birth, His baby tears, His loving traits, the incidents which happened in Egypt, and the so many wonders of the hidden life in Nazareth—oh, how attentive they were in listening to Me, and how enraptured they were in hearing of the so many surprises, the so many teachings that He gave Me, which were to serve for them; since My Son had said little or nothing about Himself to the Apostles, reserving for Me the task of letting them know how much He had loved them, and the details which only His Mother knew. So, My child, I was in the midst of My Apostles more than the sun in the midst of the day. I was the anchor, the wheel, the ship in which they found refuge, to be safe and sheltered from every danger. Therefore, I can say that I delivered the nascent Church upon My maternal knees, and that My arms were the ship in which I led her to a safe shore, and I still do.

Then the time came for the descent of the Holy Spirit, promised by My Son in the cenacle. What a transformation, My child! As they were invested, they acquired new science, invincible strength, ardent love. A new life flowed within them, which rendered them brave and courageous, in such a way that they scattered throughout the whole world to make Redemption known, and to give their lives for their Master. I remained with beloved John, and was forced to leave Jerusalem, as the storm of persecution began.

My dearest child, you must know that I still continue My Magisterium in the Church. There is nothing which does not descend from Me. I can say that I pour myself out for love of My children, and that I nourish them with My maternal milk. Now, during these times, I want to display an even more special love by making known how My whole life was formed in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. So I call you onto My knees, into My maternal arms, so that, forming your ship, you may be sure to live in the sea of the Divine Will. Greater grace I could not give you. I beg you, make your Mama content! Come to live in this Kingdom so holy! And when you see that your will wants to have an act of life, come and take refuge in the safe boat of My arms, saying to me: “My Mama, my will wants to betray me, and I deliver it to you, that you may put the Divine Will in its place.”

Oh, how happy I will be, in being able to say: “My child is all Mine, because she lives from Divine Will.” And I will make the Holy Spirit descend into your soul, that He may burn away from you all that is human; and by His refreshing breath, He may rule over you and confirm you in the Divine Will.

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 18- November 5, 1925

(Luisa:) I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way; and while I was trying, as much as I could, to requite my Jesus with my little love for all that He has done in Redemption, my lovable and sweet Love, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, with your flight in My Will, reach all the Sacraments instituted by Me; descend into the depths of them, to give Me your little requital of love. Oh! how many of My secret tears you will find, how many bitter sighs, how many suffocated moans of the Holy Spirit. His moaning is continuous, before the many disillusions of Our love. The Sacraments were instituted in order to continue My Life on earth in the midst of My children. But, alas!, how many sorrows. This is why I feel the necessity of your little love. It may be small, but My Will will make it great. My love does not tolerate for one who must live in My Will not to associate herself with My sorrows, and not to give Me her little requital of love for all that I have done and that I suffer. Therefore, My daughter, see how My love moans in the Sacraments.

“If I see a newborn being baptized, I cry with sorrow, because, while through Baptism I restore his innocence, I find My child again, I give back to him the rights over Creation which he had lost, I smile at him with love and satisfaction, I make the enemy flee from him, that he may no longer have any right over him, I entrust him to the Angels, and all of Heaven makes feast for him—soon My smile turns into sorrow, the feast into mourning. I see that the one who is baptized will be an enemy of Mine, a new Adam, and maybe even a lost soul. Oh! how my love moans in each Baptism; especially, then, if one adds that the minister who is baptizing does not do it with that respect, dignity and decorum which befit a Sacrament that contains the new regeneration. Ah! many times they pay more attention to a bagatelle, to whatever show, than to administering a Sacrament. So, My love feels itself being pricked by the baptizer and by the one who is baptized, and it moans with unutterable moans. Would you not want, then, to give Me a requital of love, a loving moan, for each Baptism, so as to keep company with My sorrowful moans?

“Move on to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Ah! how many bitter sighs. While, through Confirmation, I restore his courage, I give back to him the lost strengths, rendering him invincible to all enemies and to his passions, and he is admitted to the ranks of the militia of his Creator, that he may fight for the acquisition of the Celestial Fatherland, and the Holy Spirit gives him His loving kiss again, lavishes a thousand caresses on him, and offers Himself as the companion of his career—yet, many times He feels Himself being requited with the kiss of a traitor, His caresses being despised, His company shunned. How many moans, how many sighs for his return, how many secret voices to the heart, for the one who shuns Him—to the point of tiring Himself from speaking. But—no, it is in vain. Therefore, do you not want to give your requital of love, your loving kiss, your company to the Holy Spirit, who moans because of so much neglection?”

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 18- November 5, 1925 (continued)

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “But, do not stop, keep flying, and you will hear the anguishing moans of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Penance. How much ingratitude, how many abuses and profanations, on the part of those who administer it and on the part of those who receive it. In this Sacrament, My Blood places Itself in act over the contrite sinner, in order to descend upon his soul, to wash him, embellish him, heal him and strengthen him, to give back to him the lost grace, to place in his hands the keys of Heaven, which sin had snatched away from him; to impress on his forehead the peacemaking kiss of forgiveness. But, ah! how many harrowing moans, in seeing souls approaching this Sacrament of Penance without sorrow, out of habit, almost as a vent of the human heart. Others—horrible to be said—instead of going to find the life of their souls, of grace, go to find death, to pour out their passions. So, the Sacrament is reduced to a mockery, to a nice chat; and My Blood, instead of descending as a bath, descends as fire, which withers them even more. And so, in each Confession, Our love cries inconsolably and, sobbing, repeats: ‘Human ingratitude, how great you are. Everywhere you try to offend Me; and while I offer you life, you turn the very life I offer you into death.’ See, then, how Our moans await your requital of love in the Sacrament of Penance.

“Do not let your love stop; go through all the Tabernacles, through each Sacramental Host, and in each Host you will hear the Holy Spirit moan with unutterable sorrow. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is not only their own life that souls receive, but is My very Life that gives Itself to them. So, the fruit of this Sacrament is to form My Life in them, and each Communion serves to make My Life grow, to develop It, in such a way that one may be able to say: ‘I am another Christ’. But, alas!, how few take advantage of it. Even more, how many times I descend into hearts and they make Me find the weapons to wound Me, and repeat for Me the tragedy of My Passion. And as the Sacramental Species are consumed, instead of pressing Me to stay with them, I am forced to leave bathed with tears, crying over My Sacramental lot; and I find no one who calms My crying and My sorrowful moans. If you could break those veils of the Host, which cover Me, you would find Me bathed with crying, knowing the lot that awaits Me in descending into hearts. Therefore, let your requital of love for each Host be continuous, in order to calm My crying, and to render less sorrowful the moans of the Holy Spirit.

“Do not stop, otherwise We will not find you always together with Us in Our moans and in Our secret tears; We will feel the void of your requital of love. Descend into the Sacrament of Ordination. Here, yes, you will find Our most intimate hidden sorrows, the most bitter tears, the most harrowing moans. The Ordination constitutes man to a supreme height, to a Divine character—the repeater of My Life, the administer of the Sacraments, the revealer of My secrets, of My Gospel, of the most sacred science; the peacemaker between Heaven and earth, the bearer of Jesus to souls. But, alas!, how many times We see, in the ordained one, how he will be a Judas for Us, a usurper of the character which is being impressed in him. Oh! how the Holy Spirit moans in seeing, in the ordained one, the most sacred things, the greatest character which exists between Heaven and earth, being snatched away from Him. How many profanations! Each act of this ordained one, not done according to the character impressed, will be a cry of sorrow, a bitter crying, a harrowing moan. The Ordination is the Sacrament which encloses all other Sacraments together. Therefore, if the ordained one is able to preserve whole within himself the character he has received, he will almost place all other Sacraments in safety, he will be the defender and the savior of Jesus Himself. But, not seeing this in the ordained one, Our sorrows are sharpened more, Our moans become more continuous and sorrowful. Therefore, let your requital of love flow in each priestly act, to keep company with the moaning love of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 18 - November 5, 1925 (continued)

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “Lend Us the ear of your heart and listen to Our profound moans in the Sacrament of Marriage. How many disorders in it! Marriage was elevated by Me to a Sacrament, in order to place in it a sacred bond, the symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity, the Divine love which It encloses. So, the love which was to reign in the father, mother and children, the concord, the peace, was to symbolize the Celestial Family. I was to have on earth as many other families similar to the Family of the Creator, destined to populate the earth like as many terrestrial angels, to then bring them back to populate the Celestial Regions. But, ah! how many moans in seeing families of sin being formed in the Marriage, which symbolize hell, with discord, with lack of love, with hatred, and which populate the earth like many rebellious angels, who will serve to populate hell. The Holy Spirit moans with harrowing moans in each Marriage, in seeing so many infernal dens being formed on earth. Therefore, place your requital of love in each Marriage, in each creature which comes to the light; in this way, your loving moan will render less sorrowful Our continuous moans.

“Our moans are not yet finished; therefore, let your requital of love reach the bed of the dying one when the Sacrament of the Extreme Unction is administered. But, ah! how many moans, how many of Our secret tears! This Sacrament has the virtue of placing the dying sinner in safety at any cost; it is the confirmation of sanctity for the good and the holy; it is the last bond which it establishes, through its Unction, between the creature and God; it is the seal of Heaven which it impresses in the redeemed soul; it is the infusion of the merits of the Redeemer, in order to enrich her, purify her and embellish her; it is the final brush stroke which the Holy Spirit gives her in order to dispose her to depart from the earth, so as to make her appear before her Creator. In sum, the Extreme Unction is the final display of Our love, and the final clothing of the soul; it is the rearranging of all the good works; therefore, it acts in a surprising way in those who are alive to grace. With the Extreme Unction, the soul is as though covered by a Celestial dew, which extinguishes, as though in one breath, her passions, her attachment to the earth and to all that does not belong to Heaven. But, alas!, how many moans, how many bitter tears, how many indispositions, how many negligences. How many losses of souls; how few the sanctities it finds to be confirmed; how scarce the good works to be reordered and rearranged. Oh! if all could hear Our moans, Our crying, over the bed of the dying one, in the act of administering the Sacrament of the Extreme Unction—all would cry with sorrow. Do you not want, then, to give Us your requital of love for each time this Sacrament is administered, which is the final display of Our love toward the creature? Our Will awaits you everywhere, to have your requital of love and your company with Our moans and sighs.”

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 20 - September 20, 1926

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “It is My Will alone that places the Creator and the creature, the Redeemer and the redeemed ones, the Sanctifier and the sanctified ones, in accord and in communication. Without It, it is as if Creation and Redemption were nothing for them, because that which makes flow the life and the goods that they contain, is missing. The very Sacraments will serve them as condemnation, because since My Will is missing in them, that which breaks the veil of the Sacraments so as to give them the fruit and the life they contain, is missing. Therefore, My Will is everything; without It, Our most beautiful works, Our greatest prodigies, remain extraneous to the poor creatures, because It alone is the depository of all Our works, and therefore only through It can these be given birth for creatures. Oh! if all knew what it means to do or not to do My Will, they would all place themselves in accord with It in order to receive all possible and imaginable goods, and the transmission of the very Divine life.”

Volume 31 - October 16, 1932

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “What a crime to impede the walk, the step of My Volition in the will of the creature. Thus I created creatures in order to form for Myself many ways in the human wills, to be able to have My continuous walk, and therefore My operative act in them. And the one who impedes My walk would want to impede Me in the continuation of My creation, to block My steps and tie My hands so that I would not be able to operate. Alas! not doing My Will seems to be nothing, and yet it is the greatest of crimes that before the Divine Majesty cries out vengeance toward poor creatures, especially when it is known that My Will does a work, that It wants a sacrifice, and not doing it is as if one wanted to contest the truth. And this is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and cries out for vengeance before God. To know My Will and not do It is to close Heaven, to break the Divine relations, and to not know the Divine command that every creature is obligated to know and to submit to what My Volition wants, even though it might cost them their life. Therefore be attentive, adore My Will and what It has disposed for you if you want to content your Jesus.

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 24 - July 29, 1928

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “You must know that during the course of My mortal Life, in everything I did, I always blessed. It was the first act of Creation that I called back upon creatures, and in order to confirm it, in blessing I invoked the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. The very Sacraments are animated by these blessings and invocations. So, while calling the Likeness to the Creator within souls, My blessing calls also the life of My Divine Will, that It may return as in the beginning of Creation to reign in souls, because My Will alone has the virtue of painting in them, vividly, the Likeness of He who created them, of making it grow and of preserving it with the vivid Divine colors.

“See then, what blessing means: confirmation of Our creative work, because the work We do once is so filled with wisdom, and with sublimity and beauty, that We love to repeat it always. And if Our blessing is nothing other than the longing of Our Heart to see Our Image restored in creatures, as well as the repetition of Our confirmation of what We want to do, the sign of the cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other than impetrating Our Likeness on the part of creatures; and so, echoing Our blessing, they repeat: ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful harmonize with the Eternal Creator, and all want the same thing: God, by blessing and pronouncing the words, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’ wants to give His Likeness; creatures impetrate it by making the sign of the cross, pronouncing the same words.”

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Volume 22 - June 12, 1927

(Luisa:) I was following the acts of the Divine Fiat according to my usual way, in order to repair and bind all the relations between Creator and creature, between Redeemer and redeemed ones, between Sanctifier and sanctified ones, broken by the human will; and my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, one who wants to know all the relations existing between Creator and creature, and to keep their bonds in force, must let My Divine Will reign within herself with absolute dominion.

And one who wants to know and receive all the relations and bonds of sanctity, must love the Sanctifier. The Holy Spirit puts His flames on the way toward one who truly loves, and binds her with the relations of His Sanctity. Without love there is no sanctity, because the bonds of true sanctity are already broken.”

Volume 18 - October 1, 1925

(Our Lord to Luisa:) “One who does My Will and lives in It maintains whole the bonds of Creation which exist between Creator and creature, the bonds of Redemption, and the bonds between the Sanctifier and the ones who are being sanctified. My Will seals all these bonds and renders the creature inseparable from Me. Therefore, be sure that your Jesus does not leave you.”

Prayer: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His prodigies may be renewed over the whole Church; Little Chaplet of the Divine Will; and the following prayers from Volume 17- May 17, 1925:

“(Supreme Majesty), I come to requite You in love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified. I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the glory and the requital of love as if all had made themselves saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace.”

“Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your first act of their complete sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Heavenly Father, I pray in the Most Holy Divine Will, in the name of Jesus and Mary through Luisa, for everyone and everything past, present and future that The Holy Spirit come with His Divine Fire and Sanctify the earth.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts those who are linked to Luisa with the inextinguishable Fire of Your Divine Love; the Fire of Divine Love that transmutes the soul in God; the Fire of Divine Love that with Its flames invests all the human operations and gives them the form of Divine Operations.

Come Holy Spirit, fill those who are linked to Luisa with the Fire of Your Divine Will that contains such Power as to be a New Baptism for the soul, as Jesus told Luisa, “even more than Baptism itself.” Wash from us every stain, and give us that new Baptism that will strengthen us in Grace, to be admitted to Live with You on earth as it is in Heaven.

Come Holy Spirit, baptize those who are linked to Luisa with the Baptism of Your Divine Fire. Restore and heal us with Your Breath of Fire. Purify us with Your Divine Fire and devour and consume all our passions and evil tendencies, and finding our souls naked with no extraneous humors, it will be easy for You, Holy Spirit, to convert us into Your very Divine Fire. Let us feel the burning of Your Divine Fire and the palpitating Divine Life of our Creator so that all mankind will return to be the “bearer of his Creator.” Then You, Triune God, will feel the happiness, glory and appreciation for Your Creative Work, as it returns Love into Your Divine womb, as it came out, in a Fire of Love from Your Paternal Bosom.

Come Holy Spirit with Your Divine Fire of Your Divine Love and Sanctify the earth. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord, under the blue mantle of Mary, Our Mother and through the intercession of the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta. Amen.